(and the related families of HOBKIRK, HABKIRK, AND HOPEKIRK)

How to search this website for your ancestor.

There are 25 family trees and many thousands of names within this website. About once a month Google uses a webcrawler to update new additions to hopkirk.org. The easiest way to find them using google is to type in: hopkirk.org & the first name and last name of the person you are interested in, such as:   hopkirk.org & Robert Hobkirk. This will yield 4 different Robert Hobkirks as the first 4 results. This also works for Hxxkirk family descendants. Type in "Hopkirk.org & Iva Jones" and your result will actually be 8 different pages within the website mentioning Iva Jones. Go to Google.com for your search. Or, you can click on the Family Tree link below which will take you to all the trees and you can roam around on your own.

Below you will find links to all the other stuff here, such as Origin of the family name, famous family members, and many other interesting items related to our family.

Also, if you are looking for the unrelated families of Gleeson, Murphy, Higgins, Stagi, Baiocchi or Pretorius you can do the same as above, type into the google search engine: hopkirk.org & the name of the person you are interested in.

For information about our DNA Project. Please go here.

This is the place for all things Hopkirk. Family histories, famous Hopkirk's, the latest Hopkirk news and gatherings planned, recent births, marriages and deaths.     This will be a site that is constantly evolving as we accumulate more family information. If you have some family information you would like to share with the rest of the famly, please send your email to:  hopkirk@hopkirk.org.  If you are a Hopkirk, you are a rare breed. There are only about 500 people worldwide with the last name of Hopkirk, slightly more named Hobkirk, and slightly less named Habkirk.  Hopekirk is very rare. Of course, there are thousands of people who are descended from these families, and if you are one of those we would love to hear from you and add your part of our family to the database. Come on in and see why we are so proud of our little family.


                                                                             HOPKIRK COAT OF ARMS

                                                            (Courtesy of Eric Hopkirk of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
                                                      The Ownership of the Coat of Arms would be passed down from
                                                      one generation to next through the eldest son of each generation,
                                                            and Eric is the current legal owner of this Coat of Arms)     

The most recent items added to the site  are in the Family News and Recent Events section. Click here to see another Hopkirk Coat of Arms, and the words used by the Lyon King of Arms to confer it. Eric Hopkirk is also the legal owner of this Coat of Arms.
"The Hopkirk Family of Melrose, Roxburghshire" by Mary Perkins Hopkirk and "The Family of Hopkirk of Dalkeith" have been added to the Family Histories section. Great reading.

Pictures from the Worldwide Hopkirk Convention  (pictures from the 5 week trip to New Zealand, and that other country down under, and the convention will be placed here as I have time. Please check back occasionally to have a look.) Most of the pictures are up now. If you have some good pictures from the convention, please email them to me.

Family News and Recent Events  (Births, marriage,deaths, etc.) Hxxkirk Family get together in the borders in summer of 2007.  DNA testing project, volunteers needed.  Info on the new "HOPKIRK RESEARCH INSTITUTE." EXCITING NEWS. THE "HOPKIRK POSTAGE STAMP" HAS BEEN ISSUED IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND!!!   Go HERE for 2001 Belfast Telegrapg information about the new HOPKIRK STAMP, and go HERE to view the Paddy Hopkirk stamp. (updated August 6, 2020)

Famous and Fictional Hxxkirk's (Thomas, Paddy, Peter, and of course the most famous of them all, Marty......are there more?)
(A picture of Cousin Marty Hopkirk sitting on his gravestone has been added here)

Family Trees (click "Family Trees" to see the many different Hopkirk/Hobkirk/Habkirk Families, over 20, of which over one-half are closely related to each other thanks to DNA testing) 

       Click here for short-cut to Isabella Home Hopkirk(1783-1857) photo. The oldest known Hopkirk family photo. From there you can view photos of 4 of her sons, John, William, Robert and Alexander.
        Click here for short-cut to pictures of Duncan(1816) Lamont Hopkirk  and his wife Elizabeth Ann Stevens
        Click short-cut to old Glasgow Hopkirk family pictures HERE.
        Click here for shortcut to portraits and drawings of James(1749-1835) & Thomas(1785-1841) Hopkirk.

Miscellaneous Research Information, such as newspaper articles from 1600 to 1900 dealing with Hobkirk, Hopekirk, etc. families.

E-mail Addresses (Do you have a long lost Hopkirk/Hobkirk/Habkirk friend or relative?)(Read about our first known success) This has not been updated in about 10 years.    

Information about Hopkirk Coat of Arms (See info about new Coat of Arms discovered in St. Mungo Cathedral in Glasgow in 2005.)

The old kirk and kirkyard of Hopekirk (Now known as Hobkirk)  This is the origin of the names Hopekirk, Hopkirk, Hobkirk and Habkirk.
To visit the new website of the Parish of Hobkirk, click here.
(Updated March 21, 2006)

Unresolved Family Mysteries (Updated December 2, 2000....do you know David Hopkirk?)

The Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, Camden, South Carolina, during the Revolutionary War, 25 April 1781

Olde Hopkirk Family Letters   (Dated from 1840)                                              

Hopkirk, Hobkirk, Hopekirk, Habkirk Family Histories  (New Hopkirk Family History written in 1813 by James Hopkirk)

Index of Hxxkirk names on this site  (There are approximately 400 names of Hopkirk/Hobkirk/Habkirk/Hopekirks born before 1910 with links to their page on this site. If you have a Hopkirk/Hobkirk/Habkirk/Hopekirk in your background who was born before 1910, you may find them here.  You may also find much more information about that persons family by following the links on their page.). This section has not been updated in over 15 years. You are better off searching using the google instructions above.

The Hopkirk/Coalport Cemetery, Lockridge, Iowa  77 burials between 1845 and 1901 on land formerly owned by William Hopkirk in Section 27 of Lockridge Township.

The Home Family Pages  Information about the ancestors of Isabella Home Hopkirk, born in 1783.

Links to other related sites:

The Hopkirk Research Institute at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

The Paddy Hopkirk website link (Paddy Hopkirk, winner of the Monte Carlo Road Rally in about 1964)

The Randall and Hopkirk website link  If you are a Hopkirk, you were probably like me. I grew up thinking the only Hopkirks in the world were my immediate family and a few cousins. Then to my suprise, Randall and Hopkirk hit the airwaves...what a shock. There must be other Hopkirks out there!  It is great to see that cousin Marty has become so famous.  We are all proud of him. To learn more about our cousin Marty, please click on the link.

The Hopkirk Building in the Glasgow Botanical Gardens, named after Thomas Hopkirk, the famous Botanist.

The Hopkirk Cemetery, Lockridge, Iowa

This link leads to links unrelated to hopkirk.org, such as other unrelated family trees, and travel photos.

This page last updated 10 August 2018